Edgerton First Reformed

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Devotions: Your King Is Coming

Day 1: Prophecy and Expectation

Bible Reading: Zechariah 9:9; John 12:12-16


Today, we reflect on the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy through the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As you read Zechariah's prophecy, consider how it speaks of a king who brings peace, not war. Then, in John's account, witness how Jesus' entrance on a donkey contrasts sharply with the crowd's expectations of a political liberator. Reflect on areas where your expectations of God might not align with His plans. Are there ways in which you might expect God to act according to your desires rather than submit to His will? Spend time in prayer, asking God to align your heart with His purposes.

Day 2: Misunderstanding the Messiah

Bible Reading: John 12:17-19


In the aftermath of Lazarus's resurrection, the crowd's excitement points to a misunderstanding of Jesus' identity and mission. They expected a political savior, but Jesus came to offer a spiritual kingdom. As you meditate on these verses, think about the times you may have misunderstood God's actions or sought after a 'messiah' for your earthly troubles. Pray for discernment to see beyond immediate circumstances and recognize Jesus as the true deliverer of sin and death. Ask for the grace to trust in His higher purpose, even when it seems contrary to worldly expectations.

Day 3: The Path to the Cross

Bible Reading: John 12:23-26


Jesus speaks of His death as the path to producing much fruit, likening it to a grain of wheat that must die to bring forth life. As you ponder these words, consider the path of the sacrifice Jesus walked willingly for our redemption. Reflect on how you are called to follow in His footsteps, dying to self for bearing fruit in His kingdom. What areas of your life need to be surrendered to God's transformative work? In prayer, ask for the courage to embrace the sacrifices required to follow Christ faithfully.

Day 4: The Lord's Supper and Covenant

Bible Reading: Matthew 26:26-29


As we approach the commemoration of the Last Supper, take time to understand the profound significance of this meal Jesus shared with His disciples. The bread and the cup are potent symbols of the new covenant established through His sacrifice. Reflect on your participation in this covenant and what it means to be united with Christ in His death and resurrection. In what ways can you live out this covenant relationship more fully? Spend time in communion with God, expressing your commitment to live as a covenant partner, nourished by His body and blood.

Day 5: The Victory of the Resurrection

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, 20-22


On this day, we celebrate the victory Jesus achieved through His resurrection. Paul's letter to the Corinthians reminds us that Christ's victory over death is the foundation of our faith. As you read these verses, rejoice in the assurance that through Christ's resurrection, we, too will be raised to new life. Reflect on the hope this brings to your walk with God. How does the reality of the resurrection empower you to live differently today? End this week's devotional time with a prayer of thanksgiving for the salvation and eternal life granted to us through Jesus' triumph over the grave.