Devotions: Return to Your First Love

Day 1: The Danger of Chronological Snobbery and the Value of Ancient Truths

Reading: Revelation 1:1-8

Devotional: Today, let's reflect on the introduction to Revelation, considering how it sets the stage for understanding the timeless messages within. Contemplate the concept of "chronological snobbery" and how it might affect our approach to ancient scripture. Meditate on the idea that the words spoken to the seven churches hold value for us today, connecting us to the greater body of believers across time.

Questions for Reflection:

In what ways might you dismiss ancient truths in favor of modern ideas?

How can the opening verses of Revelation encourage you to appreciate the continuity of God's message?

Day 2: The Ephesian Church: Hard Work and Lost Love

Reading: Revelation 2:1-7

Devotional: As we read the message to the church in Ephesus, we discover a community commended for its diligence but critiqued for losing its initial fervor of love for God. Today's focus is on balancing doctrinal integrity with a passionate love for God. Reflect on your own spiritual journey and consider whether you've maintained both truth and love in your walk with God.

Questions for Reflection:

Can you identify with the Ephesian church's struggle to balance hard work for the faith with maintaining a genuine love for God?

What might "returning to your first love" look like in your spiritual practice?

Day 3: The Tree of Life and the Victory in Christ

Reading: Revelation 22:1-5

Devotional: In today's passage, we see the beautiful image of the Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem. As you meditate on the vision of eternal life promised to those who are victorious with Christ, consider the depth of God's grace that invites us to share in His triumph over sin and death.

Questions for Reflection:

How does the promise of the Tree of Life inspire you to live a life united with Christ's victory?

How can you embody Christ's victory in your daily actions and attitudes?

Day 4: Repentance and Returning to Our First Love

Reading: Luke 15:11-24

Devotional: Reflect on the story of the prodigal son and the theme of repentance and returning to one's first love. This parable illustrates the beauty of restoration and forgiveness that awaits us when we turn back to God with a contrite heart.

Questions for Reflection:

How does the father's response to the prodigal son parallel God's reception of us when we repent?

What steps can you take today to move towards repentance and rekindling your love for God?

Day 5: A Life of Daily Repentance and Communion with Christ

Reading: 1 John 1:5-9

Devotional: On this final day, let us focus on the call to live a life of continual repentance, walking in the light as He is in the light. Consider how confession and fellowship with Christ cleanse us and keep us close to our first love.

Questions for Reflection:

How does John's message in this passage reinforce the need for daily repentance and communion with God?

What can you do to maintain a practice of daily repentance and keep your relationship with God vibrant and alive?


Marked By Grace: Day 27


March 10 Sermon: Return to Your First Love