
The Lord's Day is the high point of the week for Christians. The most vital parts of our congregational life are gathering to humbly come before God, asking for forgiveness, hearing the gospel of grace proclaimed, and responding in worship.

What should you expect on Sunday mornings at First Reformed? We believe worship is one of the most spiritually formative activities in the Christian life. By acknowledging our sinfulness before a Holy God and hearing that we have been forgiven on account of Jesus's work on our behalf, we learn something amazing about God. God is Holy, and above all things, yet in Jesus Christ, this same God took on human flesh to come near to his creation to save us. Our worship strives to reflect this truth about God each and every week.

While we have a traditional liturgy (order of worship), we incorporate praise choruses and try to engage our traditional practices in new ways. We strive to be a warm, friendly congregation that is welcoming to all ages. Join us and see what worship at First Reformed is all about for yourself.

Worship FAQ

What About My Children?

A nursery is available for young children, but we believe children are a blessing; therefore, all ages are encouraged to join us in worship. In addition to the children's message, we are always working to find new ways to engage children in our worship service.

How Should I Dress?

On a Sunday morning, you will see some people dressed in suits and many people wearing jeans. A lot of people dress somewhere in between.

Where Do I Park?

There are a lot of churches in a very small geographical area in Edgerton, and none of them have a large parking lot. Still, there is plenty of room to park on the streets around our church. There are several doors where you can enter the church that you can easily access from where you have parked. We do have special guest parking designated for you on Second Ave, close to our main doors, where you will find our welcome desk.