March 8 Sermon: Noah Found Favor
Mark Groen Mark Groen

March 8 Sermon: Noah Found Favor

We live in a world where we look around us and we are often aghast at what it has become. If you are like me you probably hear yourself saying words like nowadays or even kids these days and you realize you sound like your grandparents or parents. This likely causes think back to what things were like when you were younger and you realize that, yes, things were bad back then too but our knowledge of this kind of stuff was limited. You didn’t have the 24 hour news cycle in the same way we have it now. We didn’t have access to trends in other parts of the world until they came to us in a newspaper the next day or in a magazine at the beginning of the next week or month. The speed of information has clearly increased. This has wonderful benefits. I remember watching the deacons at my home church growing up copy the cassette tapes of the service on a giant tape copying machine and being fascinated that those people would have a cassette of the service available to them that afternoon. As cassettes faded away I even once built my own multi-CD duplicator with old computer parts to get compact discs to church members but who would have imagined that with a minimal investment in equipment you can now stream your church service like we are today to YouTube immediately. That is amazing and wonderful. The speed of information can so easily and wonderfully be used to spread the gospel and bring glory to God but at the same time unrighteousness and stuff that grieves the heart of God is put out there for consumption at an alarming rate.‌

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