January 19 Sermon: Devoted to Good Works
Mark Groen Mark Groen

January 19 Sermon: Devoted to Good Works

We live in a day where we are defined by so many different things, and we often approach this like a smorgasbord. It seems like we become less and less concerned with having the way we view the world being consistent as long as it fits with what we want or how we think things should be. We pull one way of thinking from here and another from there and we don’t even seem to notice that our ideas are in contradiction with one another. We are all guilty of it and I believe that it is particularly easy for us to fall victim to because the world comes at us so fast. In the matter of a few moments we are bombarded with ideas from all over the world through shining rectangles that we stare at.

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January 12 Sermon: A People for His Own Possession
Mark Groen Mark Groen

January 12 Sermon: A People for His Own Possession

The love of God is amazing and without measure. We can’t even begin to fathom how much God loves us. The story of the Bible is about how this great love is shown to us in Christ. This is why we want to make sure that we never separate the doctrine and teaching found in scripture from the idea of God’s love because it lets us know how we can be certain of this love. As I always say, the love of God is not something abstract out there some place. The love of God is a really nice feeling that a cosmic being our there somewhere has for you. If we speak about God’s love in the abstract, we know a truth, but we really don’t know that much about it, do we? Let me explain what I’m getting at with an example.

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