September 3 Sermon: Officers of the Church
Mark Groen Mark Groen

September 3 Sermon: Officers of the Church

We continue our study of presbyterian church government and look at the offices of elder and deacon.

There may not be anything that is much worse for an organization than to have undefined roles for the people who serve in those organizations. This often happens with large corporations. It's actually the things of plots of television shows and movies where you see people who have worked for a company that's been around so long and they've done certain things and sometimes people aren't even sure what their jobs are. Their roles were at one time defined, but it becomes a thing of comedic error to find that they don't even know why they're there or what they're doing.

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August 27 Sermon: Well Ordered
Mark Groen Mark Groen

August 27 Sermon: Well Ordered

This week’s message discusses the Biblical basis for presbyterian church government.

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we know that Jesus is the head of his church. He is our ascended Lord. He is our ascended King. We know that through his word and through the Spirit, he not only calls his people to himself, but he gathers his people to himself. In the kingdom of God, there is every nationality, every ethnicity, and every language. The people of God were once not a people, but we know that now we are God's people. The word church in the New Testament is the Greek word “ecclesia”.

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