What is Advent?

As we dive into the rhythm of the holiday season, there's a gem often tucked away in the busyness of the Christmas season. Most people have heard of Advent, but what exactly is Advent? It's more than a calendar countdown to Christmas; it's a soul-stirring journey of anticipation and hope.

Advent, from the Latin 'adventus' meaning 'coming,' isn't just a marker for decking the halls and festive celebrations. Advent is akin to a beautifully woven tapestry. It threads the rich history of Israel's longing for a Messiah, a Savior who would bring hope and light into a darkened world, with our expectation of Christ's second coming. Advent is a time set apart for us to gaze backward in gratitude for the birth of Christ and eagerly look forward to His promised return at the end of history when he delivers His Kingdom to the Father.

This season is a four-week journey marked by candle lighting, symbolizing hope, peace, joy, and love. Each candle flickers with profound meaning, illuminating the path to Christ's arrival.

Advent isn't just a passive observance; it's a call to active participation. It beckons us to ponder the prophecies and promises of Scripture, to rekindle the ancient longings of hearts that yearned for the Messiah's arrival. It's an invitation to prepare our hearts to make room for Christ's presence amidst the holiday rush.

Moreover, Advent speaks volumes about the humility and simplicity of Christ's birth. It reminds us that the Messiah did not come in grandeur or luxury. Instead, God the Son entered the mundane. The Creator embraces His creation in the most unassuming way.

Advent is about more than manger scenes and carols. It's about the magnitude of God's love, culminating in the miracle of the Incarnation — the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us.

Beyond the festivities, Advent nudges us to embody the teachings of Christ in our daily lives. It's a reminder that Christ's return isn't just a distant promise but a reality that should shape how we live here and now.

Advent is a season of longing and hope, a reminder of God's faithfulness in sending His Son. It calls us to embrace the present, to anticipate the future, and to live with the conviction that Christ is with us in every season of life.

May this Advent season kindle the flame of hope in our hearts as we light the candles and sing "O Come, O Come Emmanuel." May it deepen our faith, strengthen our resolve, and prepare us to welcome the Light of the World at Christmas and every day of our lives.


December 3 Sermon: Keep Awake


Devotions: Woes