March 3, 2024 Bulletin Announcements

Prayer Chain:  Stay connected with our faith community through prayer requests and updates. Text EFRCPRAYER to 84576 to subscribe and be a part of this powerful network of prayer.  If you have a prayer request to add to the Prayer Chain, you can text or call 507-369-6275. We suggest putting this number in your contacts, so you have it when you need it!  Prayer items will only be added to the Prayer Chain by request.

Marked By Grace: Our Lenten devotional series will take us through the Gospel of Mark. Our final reading being the resurrection story in Mark 16 on Easter Sunday.  Each day has a Bible reading, a short reading about the passage, and some questions for you to consider.

You can find them every day on the blog on the church website. On the website, you have the devotional content and a link to the scripture reading. There is a quick link to the devotional content We will also post the link to the daily devotionals on our Facebook Page.  The printed-out devotionals for the remainder of Lent are on the table in the Narthex.

Center of Hope:  The following items are needed by the Center of Hope:  Men’s Coats, Adult Coveralls, Children’s Coats, Children’s Snow Pants, Gloves & Mittens (all sizes), Men’s Shoes, Backpacks for people transitioning out of prison, and Hygiene Kit items.  If you would like to donate any of these items, please place them in the box in the coat room.

Coffee Break will not meet on March 6 or 13.

Upcoming Dates:

March 24  -  Palm Sunday

March 28  -  Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 p.m.

March 31  -  Easter 


March 10 Bulletin Announcements


En-Gedi Mission Trip Update #10 (Final)