Devotions: From Mourning to Mission

Day 1: The Empty Tomb and the Unexpected Victory

Bible Reading: John 20:1-10

Today, we reflect on the empty tomb's significance, a powerful symbol of Jesus' victory over death. Mary Magdalene and the disciples' disbelief and confusion when they found the tomb empty echoes our own struggles with faith in the face of the unexpected.

Devotional: As we read about the disciples' early morning discovery, let's consider when God surprised us with hope amidst despair. How does the reality of the resurrection shape your understanding of God's power and promise in your life?

Prayer: Lord, help us embrace the unexpected ways You work in our lives, trusting that Your victory over death gives us everlasting hope. May we live each day in the joy of the resurrection. Amen.

Day 2: Recognition and Transformation

Bible Reading: John 20:11-18

Today's passage takes us through the moment Mary Magdalene's mourning turns to mission as she recognizes the risen Jesus. Her transformation from weeping by the tomb to becoming a messenger of the resurrection is profound.

Devotional: Consider when you felt lost in sorrow or confusion but experienced the transformative recognition of Christ's presence in your life. How did this encounter inspire you to share your faith with others?

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for calling us by name and turning our grief into joy. Grant us the courage to be messengers of Your resurrection, sharing the hope we've found in You. Amen.

Day 3: Ascension and Eternal Kingship

Bible Reading: Acts 1:9-11

In today's reading, we witness Jesus' ascension to heaven, a pivotal moment that signifies His eternal kingship and the completion of His earthly mission.

Devotional: Reflect on the ascension's significance and how it assures us of Jesus' lordship over all creation. How does this truth influence your understanding of Christ's current reign and His work in the world?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we marvel at the ascended Christ, ruling with authority and grace. May we live in the confidence of His eternal kingship and the hope of His promised return. Amen.

Day 4: Spreading the Good News

Bible Reading: Romans 10:14-17

Paul emphasizes the importance of proclaiming the gospel so that others may believe. Mary Magdalene's immediate response to sharing the news of Jesus' resurrection is a model for our witness.

Devotional: Think about how you have received and shared the message of Jesus' victory over death. Who needs to hear this message from you today, and how can you faithfully convey the good news?

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the privilege of sharing Your gospel. Empower us by Your Spirit to be bold in our testimony so others may come to know and believe in the risen Christ. Amen.

Day 5: Victory Over Death

Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:54-57

We celebrate the ultimate triumph over death through Jesus Christ. His resurrection guarantees our victory and frees us from the sting of death.

Devotional: Ponder the profound implications of Christ's victory in your life. How does the assurance of resurrection influence how you face challenges, grief, or fear?

Prayer: Almighty God, we rejoice in Your victory over death. Help us live each day in the power of the resurrection, confident in Your eternal promises. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


April 7 Sermon: Repent


Resurrection Sunday 2024: From Mourning to Mission