Devotions: Repent

Day 1: Faithful Witness Amidst Persecution

Reading: Revelation 2:12-13


Today, let us reflect on the unwavering faith of the church in Pergamum, which stood firm despite being in the heart of opposition. Consider the pressures we face in our lives to compromise our faith. How can we remain steadfast in our confession that Jesus is Lord? As you meditate on this passage, pray for the strength to be a faithful witness in your environment, no matter the challenges.

Question for Reflection:

In what areas of your life are you feeling pressured to compromise your faith, and how can you stand firm like the church in Pergamum?

Day 2: Overcoming the Lure of False Teachings

Reading: Revelation 2:14-15


As we continue our reflection, we confront the issue of false teachings and the moral dangers they pose. This week’s message invites us to discern and reject teachings that lead us away from the truth of the Gospel. Let us ask for wisdom and discernment to identify and resist false teachings that may be present in our culture or even within our churches.

Question for Reflection:

What false teachings or cultural pressures could lead Christians away from their core beliefs, and how can you guard against them?

Day 3: The Importance of Repentance

Reading: Revelation 2:16


This week’s message reminded us of the critical call to repentance. It is a message not just for the ancient church but for all believers. Today, let us take time to examine our hearts, confess our sins, and commit to a life of repentance. Remember, repentance is a gift that restores us to right relationship with God.

Question for Reflection:

How does repentance play a role in your spiritual life, and what steps can you take to cultivate a repentant heart?

Day 4: The Assurance of Divine Provision

Reading: Revelation 2:17


As we meditate on the assurances given to the church in Pergamum, let us also take hold of God's promises. The sermon spoke of the hidden manna and the white stone—symbols of God's provision and our identity in Him. Take time today to thank God for His spiritual sustenance and for the new identity and future He has promised to those who overcome.

Question for Reflection:

How do the promises of hidden manna and a new name on a white stone speak to your current spiritual journey?

Day 5: Living Set Apart

Reading: 1 Peter 2:9


As we conclude our five-day journey, inspired by the sermon on the church of Pergamum, let us focus on our calling to be a holy people set apart for God. Today, let us live out this identity, witnessing to His light in a world that often does not understand our hope. Pray for the courage to live distinctively as people who belong to God and are called to declare His praises.

Question for Reflection:

In what practical ways can you live out your identity as part of a royal priesthood and a holy nation in your daily life?


April 14 Sermon: Hold Fast


April 7 Sermon: Repent