Marked By Grace: Day 24

The Path to Glory Through Suffering and Service

Scripture: Mark 10:32-45


In this passage, Jesus predicts His suffering, death, and resurrection for the third time, emphasizing the inevitability and necessity of His sacrifice. The request of James and John for places of honor in Jesus’ glory reveals a misunderstanding of the nature of His Kingdom. Jesus corrects this by teaching that true greatness in His Kingdom is found in servanthood and sacrifice, not in traditional notions of power and status. He exemplifies this through His own mission: to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. This passage invites us to embrace a life of service and sacrifice, following Jesus' example.

Questions for Contemplation:

1. Understanding Jesus' Sacrifice: How does Jesus' prediction of His suffering and death deepen your understanding of His mission?

2. True Greatness in Service: How does Jesus’ teaching on servanthood challenge your understanding of greatness and leadership?

3. Following Jesus' Example: How can you apply Jesus’ model of sacrificial service in your own life and community?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for a more profound comprehension and appreciation of Jesus’ sacrificial love and purpose. Ask for a heart and attitude that values servanthood and humility as true greatness, following Jesus’ example. Seek opportunities and strength to serve others selflessly in your daily life.


Marked By Grace: Day 25


Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 5: Of Providence