Marked By Grace: Day 29

The Parable of the Tenants

Scripture: Mark 12:1-12


Jesus tells the parable of the tenants who, instead of respecting the landowner's rights, rebel and harm his servants, ultimately killing his son. This parable is a stark depiction of Israel's rejection of the prophets and, ultimately, of Christ Himself. It challenges us to examine how we respond to God's messages and messengers. The parable also speaks of judgment against those who reject God's Son while affirming Jesus as the cornerstone, essential and chosen by God, yet rejected by many. It invites reflection on our acceptance or rejection of Christ's lordship.

Questions for Contemplation:

1. Responding to God's Message: How do we respond daily to His word and messengers? Are there areas where we resist or ignore His teachings?

2. Jesus as the Cornerstone: What does recognizing Jesus as the cornerstone in our faith, church life, and daily decisions mean?

3. Rejection and Acceptance: How can we ensure we are not rejecting what God has sent into our lives, even if it doesn't align with our expectations or desires?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for a receptive heart to God's word and His messengers. Ask for the grace to acknowledge and fully embrace Jesus as the cornerstone of your faith. Seek forgiveness for times of resistance or rejection and ask for the strength to align your life more closely with Christ's teachings.


Marked By Grace: Day 30


Marked By Grace: Day 28