Devotions: Much Given, Much Required
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Much Given, Much Required

Day 1: Anticipating the Master's Return

Bible Reading: Luke 12:35-40

Devotional: Today, reflect on the urgency of being prepared for Christ's return. Just as the servants in the parable were to keep their lamps burning and be dressed for action, we, too, must live in a state of readiness. Consider the areas of your life where you may have become complacent. Ask yourself how to rekindle your spiritual fervor and maintain a posture of anticipation for the Lord's coming.

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February 11 Sermon: Much Given, Much Required
Mark Groen Mark Groen

February 11 Sermon: Much Given, Much Required

Everyone has at some point been involved in a game of hide and seek? This is kind of a universal experience for humans. It's a game that doesn't require much in the way of supplies. I guess you couldn't play it in the middle of nowhere with nothing to hide behind, but otherwise you don't need much to play hide and seek, right. It is a game that everybody knows and the rules are pretty simple. Really, the only controversial part of the game is the amount of time allowed for people to hide right. How much does the person who's going to be seeking have to count?

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Devotions: Added to You
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Added to You

Day 1: Trusting in God's Provision

Reading: Luke 12:22-24

Devotional: Jesus teaches us not to be anxious about our lives, what we will eat, or our bodies, what we will wear. He reminds us that life is more than food and the body more than clothes. Reflect on the areas of your life where anxiety takes hold. How can you shift your focus from worry to trust in God's provision?

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February 4 Sermon: Added to You
Mark Groen Mark Groen

February 4 Sermon: Added to You

Anxiety is a topic that is talked about in abundance in our time. In a hyper busy, information soaked age, it seems as though we actually have an anxiety epidemic, and this really shouldn't surprise us. It's always been a concern and anytime people have been anxious I mean, obviously Jesus is talking about it here and of course, things are different in different times. What we worry about what we face in life is going to be different depending on where we are, what we're experiencing, but in a fallen world, there are always going to be times where we are put in positions where our heart rate increases and we get that way too familiar feeling that we don't like in the pit of our stomach. That is going to happen in a fallen, sinful world and, like I said, this shouldn't surprise us that this is on the rise.

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Devotions: Where Is Your Treasure?
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Where Is Your Treasure?

Day 1: Luke 12:13-21 - The Parable of the Rich Fool


As we embark on this journey, we start with Jesus’ parable of the rich fool. This story is a sobering reminder of the temporality of earthly riches. Take a moment to reflect on your own pursuits. Are they grounded in the material world, or are they reaching for something eternal? Consider how you might shift your focus from accumulating wealth to cultivating a rich relationship with God.

Question for Reflection: In what ways can you be 'rich toward God' instead of storing up earthly treasures?

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January 28 Sermon: Where Is Your Treasure?
Mark Groen Mark Groen

January 28 Sermon: Where Is Your Treasure?

As a typical early 90s youth group junkie kid, I made a lot of trips to Christian concerts and Christian music festivals, and this was an important part of not only my entertainment, but this is also where I outfitted my wardrobe okay, and one of those events was coming up. I would not only set aside money for my ticket, but I needed to come home with a new T-shirt or seven, and many times there were more than just the T-shirts of the bands I was going to see and their merchandise tables. There were often walls of shirts that were Christian T-shirts and many of them, you may remember, they had like famous logos, but they like Christianized them. Like in the 90s, you would see people wearing orange shirts with the Reese's logo on it all the time, but the Christian version had the same font, but it said Jesus and some pithy slogan.

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Devotions: Acknowledge
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Acknowledge

Day 1: Recognizing Jesus

Reading: Luke 12:8-9

Devotional: Today, let's focus on the importance of recognizing Jesus. In these verses, Jesus promises that those who acknowledge Him on earth will be acknowledged in heaven. Reflect on a time when you felt the need to stand up for your faith in Christ. What emotions did you experience? Consider the courage it takes to publicly declare Jesus as Lord and the eternal implications of doing so.

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January 7 Sermon: Acknowledge
Mark Groen Mark Groen

January 7 Sermon: Acknowledge

We like to be acknowledged, don't we? When you see someone and you acknowledge them with a wave or in our case it's more of a finger or a nod of the head and you don't get one back, it kind of invokes a variety of feelings in you, doesn't it? Am I just not important to this person? Did they not see me? Do they not even remember me? Did I do something to upset them? And at the same time, if you are acknowledged by someone who you don't expect to acknowledge you, you feel really good, right. Well, back in October I was at the Reformation and Worship Conference in Georgia and I had a conversation with an author who was there that he's sort of well known in Presbyterian and Reform circles.

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Devotions: Fear Not
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Fear Not

Day 1: The Call to Fear Not

Reading: Luke 12:1-7

Devotional: In today’s reading, we witness Jesus cautioning His disciples against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, emphasizing that true faith must be inwardly sincere, not just outwardly showy. As we consider our own walk with the Lord, let’s reflect on where our deepest fears lie. Are we more concerned with human opinion or with living in a way that is pleasing to God?

Prayer Focus: Pray for the courage to live authentically in your faith, prioritizing God’s approval over man’s.

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December 31 Sermon: Fear Not
Mark Groen Mark Groen

December 31 Sermon: Fear Not

When I first think of the phrase fear not, my mind initially goes to all of these passages of Scripture, like the one that we just read, that says that we are to not fear, that we should value God and what he has to say over the things of men, that we should have this fear and reverence of God. But as my mind wanders a little bit with this idea of fear not or no fear, I think back to many years ago. There were these t-shirts that were quite popular. You would see them as you were walking around and they would say no fear on the back.

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Devotions: Woes
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: Woes

Day 1:

Reading: Luke 11:37-54

Devotional: Reflect on Jesus' rebuke to the Pharisees and lawyers for their hypocrisy. How does this challenge your own walk of faith? Are there areas in your life where you might focus more on outward appearance than an authentic relationship with God? Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal these areas to you.

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November 26 Sermon: Woes
Mark Groen Mark Groen

November 26 Sermon: Woes

It was back in September of 2001 that my wife and I got on an airplane in Omaha and we flew to Cleveland. We were going there for the purpose of an interview at a church in Sundeski, ohio, to be the youth director at a church there. Now, after the interview, we got a full tour of the church building and the rest of the church property. As part of that tour, we checked out one of the two parsonages that the church had. Now, we only needed one tour because these two homes were mirror images of each other. So if you saw one, you saw the other.

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Devotions: The Sign of Jonah
Mark Groen Mark Groen

Devotions: The Sign of Jonah

Day 1:

Bible Reading: Luke 11:29-32

Devotional: Jesus' stern warning to the crowd that was asking for a sign shows the gravity of ignoring his message and call for repentance. As we read today's scripture, let's reflect on the authority Jesus holds and the warning he issues. He reminds us of the importance of accepting his message and the dire consequences of rejecting it.

Reflection Questions:

1. How does Jesus' message in Luke 11:29-32 challenge your understanding of faith?

2. How can you apply Jesus' warning to your daily life?

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November 5 Sermon: The Sign of Jonah
Mark Groen Mark Groen

November 5 Sermon: The Sign of Jonah

Dive into the teachings of Jesus in Luke 11:29-32. Discover the gravity of Jesus' message and his call for repentance. We consider the Pharisees' rejection of Jesus' plea, explore our own shortcomings, and gain deeper insights into faith, repentance, and Jesus' teachings. Will we heed Jesus' call and to embrace humility and repentance?

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