March 31, 2024 Bulletin Announcements


Jr. High Fusion Taco Supper: On Wednesday, April 10, we will be having our Annual Jr. High Taco Supper from 5:30-7:00 pm. All are invited to join us for tacos and root beer floats. The money raised will go towards their RYM trip in August. Thank you for supporting our youth! 

Reminder:  We do collect offering at Sunday School.  The money collected goes toward our mission share for Brian & Beth Bruxvoort who are missionaries in Alaska.

Food Shelf:  The Food Shelf is in need of the following items:  Cereal, toilet paper, spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables & fruits, soups, crackers, ketchup, peanut butter, hamburger helper, pancake mix & syrup.

ACT Testing:  EHS is using the Fellowship Hall on April 9 for ACT testing.  Please refrain from entering on that day.

Hope Haven:  Hope Haven’s biggest fundraiser, the Annual Benefit Auction will be held, April 5 at Te Slaa trucking in Hull, IA.  Help support the individuals with disabilities by attending our Buy It Now opening at 5:00 p.m. , followed by our live auction at 5:30 p.m.  Choose from over 450 incredible items for all ages to bid on:  John Deere Gator, Youth ATV 4-wheeler, Simplicity Lawn Tractor, South Africa Safari Hunting Trip to meat bundles, electronics, power tools, trips, concerts, grills, toys/games, gift cards, and so much more!  For a sneak peek of the items, check out our online catalog by visiting:

Sister’s Tea:  RSVP Today!  Sister's Tea will be on Saturday, April 6 at 10:00 a.m. at First Christian Reformed Church in Edgerton.  Tea and other refreshments, a light lunch, and desserts are provided. Floppy hats are optional! There will be a free-will donation box and silent auction with proceeds benefiting Royal Family Kids Camp in Southwest Minnesota (check them on our Facebook). Gather your sisters in Christ and join us for a fun morning of fellowship, encouragement, and support! For more information, visit the "Sister's Tea" Facebook page. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a seat(s) or a table (seats 8), please contact Ashley Stoel (507-227-6446) or Courtney Vis (507-920-2831). RSVPs are due by Monday, April 1.  

Upcoming Dates:

April 10  -  Fusion (Jr. High)  Taco Supper (Final Night of Midweek)

April 26-27 - Presbytery Meeting Aplington Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

Vacation Bible School  -  June 10-14 


Niger Mission Trip Update #1


March 24 Bulletin Announcements