Marked By Grace: Day 34

Vigilance in Times of Tribulation

Scripture: Mark 13:14-27


This part of Mark 13 describes the great tribulation, a period of unprecedented difficulty and distress. Jesus warns about the severity of this time, urging His followers to be alert and prepared. The instruction to flee when the 'abomination of desolation' is seen highlights the urgency and seriousness of the situation. Despite the grim picture, Jesus assures His followers of His eventual return in glory, bringing redemption and hope. This passage encourages us to maintain vigilance in our faith, be prepared for difficult times, and hold onto the hope of Christ's coming.

Questions for Contemplation:

1. Preparedness for Tribulation: How can you live in a state of readiness for the trials and tribulations foretold by Jesus?

2. Understanding the Signs: What does it mean to be alert to the signs of the times, as described by Jesus?

3. Hope in Christ’s Coming: How does the promise of Jesus’ return provide hope and perspective amid tribulation?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for wisdom and discernment to understand the times and remain vigilant in your faith. Ask for strength and perseverance to endure trials, keeping your focus on the hope of Christ’s return. Seek comfort and reassurance in the promise of Jesus’ ultimate victory and the redemption He brings.


Marked By Grace: Day 35


Devotions: Faithful Unto Death