Marked By Grace: Day 35

Watchfulness and Faithfulness

Scripture: Mark 13:28-37


In this concluding part of Mark 13, Jesus uses the fig tree parable to teach about discerning the signs of the times, indicating the nearness of God's kingdom. He emphasizes the need for constant watchfulness, as the exact time of His return is unknown. The call to stay awake spiritually is a metaphor for living a life of readiness and faithfulness, being attentive to our duties as followers of Christ. This passage challenges us to live each day with the expectation of Jesus’ return, faithfully carrying out the work He has entrusted to us.

Questions for Contemplation:

1. Discerning the Signs: How can you cultivate spiritual discernment to recognize the signs of God's work in the world?

2. Living in Readiness: What does it mean to ‘stay awake’ in your spiritual life, and how can you practice this daily?

3. Faithfulness in Service: How can you ensure that you faithfully do the work God has entrusted you, especially in light of the coming of Jesus?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for spiritual alertness and discernment to recognize and respond to God's work in your life and the world. Ask for the diligence to live each day in readiness for Jesus’ return, faithfully fulfilling your calling and responsibilities. Seek guidance in balancing watchfulness with active engagement in God’s kingdom work.


Marked By Grace: Day 36


Marked By Grace: Day 34